Monthly Author Focus – Nazerit Wilson

This month we focus on Monthly Author Focus – Nazerit Wilson.

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What inspired you to write?

My inspiration was to share a story to give women in desperate and dire circumstances the hope and courage they need to change their lives. To show them an independent life and happiness, on your own terms, is achievable.

What was your first book? 

My first and only book (for now) is Blooming of a Broken Flower.

What is your book about?

This is the story about a young woman who won’t accept outdated and irrelevant traditions and beliefs. She wants a life of her own choosing, not the stereotypical female role forced upon her. This is done at her peril. She finds herself going against the status quo in a long and difficult journey. There are dark and desperate moments that will tear your heart apart. This is real. This is brutal. The life of so many women is this.

What genre do you write?

I wrote my book from my heart and soul and then when it came to publishing and I was asked what genre I would like to list under on Amazon. Guess what? My book didn’t fit in with any genre. I couldn’t squash it to fit in any box. I have been told that if you don’t have a specific genre, you will not generate interest. So, my question to myself is: do I continue to write from the depths of my soul or fit my writing into a box?

What do you like about writing in this genre?

I don’t have a specific genre that I write in. In my book you will find a bit of unusual romance, drama, dreams, and a lot of deep, dark, and soul crushing reality intertwined with small victories and a bit of triumph. Without a specific genre I get freedom. Whether this will get me the reach I desire is yet to be determined. I’d like to be known and celebrated for not conforming. After all, that is why I am successful in so many ways at present and no longer that simpering victim I used to be. I defied the odds then and I will continue to defy the odds now.

Who is your favourite author?

Wilbur Smith knows how to weave a tale, he used to be my favourite author. I am now enthralled with little known authors with a story to tell. I’m always cheering for the underdog. Before I was a writer, I was a reader. I read every single day before work and late at night. The author matters, the story they have to tell matters. This is where my interest lies.

What are you currently working on?

I am working on myself and long deserved self care. While taking care of my own needs I am writing my second novel. The thoughts and ideas just come rushing from my imagination. The tricky part is crafting the story.

What are your plans for the next year in your writing career?

I am a slow writer and I have a full-time job and for me that means I take long to finish a book. By the end of the year, I would like to have a completed manuscript for my second novel.

What tips do you have for aspiring, self-published authors?

New to writing, I don’t think I am able to give advice as I am still in the discovery process. What I do know is that the entire process is brutal and if you want to publish you have to have the grit to not give up. My editor suggested that I change certain pivotal moments in the plot and alter the ending to make it more palatable to readers. My biggest mistake was following that advice. I made the suggested changes because I felt I was inexperienced, and she knew better than I did. I should have stuck to my original thoughts. The story I have lovingly crafted is about norms that are not palatable. I believe the changes I made didn’t do justice to what I wanted to convey. Lesson learned.

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