Monthly Author Focus – Nonhlanhla Nzimande

This month we focus on Monthly Author Focus – Nonhlanhla Nzimande.

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What inspired you to write?

Upon realization that my situation was not peculiar, I broke the silence and be the voice of the multitudes of voiceless women. The women who are suffering in silence while carrying broken hearts and shame in while protecting the men of the cloth. All in the name of “love” which is nothing but an illusion. Also, I wrote in order to inspire hope to those who have gone through losses of catastrophic proportions and think it’s the end for them–which is why I wrote this book from a point of healing in order to speak life to the readers.

What was your first book? 

NOT ALL IS LOST is my first book and has subsequently been translated into Zulu “AKULAHLEKILE KONKE”, because of the public demand.

What genre/s do you write?

It is a Memoir.

What do you like about writing in this genre?

The books are based on my personal journey and experiences and how I thrived through the challenges and remained hopeful.

Who is your favourite author?

Gayton McKenzie

What are you currently working on?

I’m currently working on the sequel to Not All Is Lost, the title still to be decided upon.

What are your plans for the next year in your writing career?

To online market more efficiently with a little help from savvy friends and colleagues.

What tips do you have for aspiring, self-published authors?

Own your story and let no one water it down. If you’re writing about your real life experience, make sure you keep it authentic to avoid adverse publicity should they should challenge it.

Remember, you are not a seasoned writer yet, therefore have a teachable spirit and be open to constructive criticism from those who have walked the authorship path. Get a trustworthy mentor. If you’re writing a fiction piece, research as much about your location as you can.

As a self-published author, you are responsible for making the sales.

Be vocal about your work. Know your target market and advertise accordingly. Your book will not sell itself. Writing and publishing is easy; hard work begins when you need to sell the book.

Last but not least, make sure you have the financial resources for publishing your work.

Profound Books changes the Monthly Focus author book sample download regularly

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Nonhlanhla Nzimande was born in Umzinto, kwaDumisa and later moved to Umlazi, Durban, where she did all her schooling career until tertiary. She studied Environmental Health, specialising in Occupational Health and Safety. Her family is now based in uMthwalume but currently resides in

Besides being a proud mother, Executive Professional Leader (SHEQ) – Safety Health, Environment, and Quality, Electrical Engineer, and Author, Nonhlanhla Nzimande, like everyone else, has been through the roughest of patches in her life. From being a victim of rejection to losing her materialistic possessions. From living in her apartment to living in someone’s backroom, which she could not afford as well. From losing her job due to destabilising heart matters to losing her dignity.

From a healthy-looking body to being a living bag of bones, literally, Nonhlanhla realised that even so, NOT ALL IS

Nonhlanhla Nzimande has been selfless enough to share her personal journey with humankind through the book she titled NOT ALL IS LOST. In this book, Nonhlanhla explicitly exposes the incidents. that led her to losing both tangible and intangible material in her life, and how possible it is for one to
rise afterwards.

In her book, Nonhlanhla argues, “As far as I know, reality is like a two-faced human – one on the mask, and one behind the mask. The reality on the mask is COMMON to almost everyone and effortless to attain. The second reality is the one behind the mask, the ABSOLUTE reality. Absolute reality is only
found in a mighty fall in life, which is a good and rare chance for one to activate the game plan to rise afterwards. One must keep in mind that the fallen state is not the resting place; it is rather an opportunity to activate the game plan to rise again. Let me tell you something, though, I was privileged and fortunate to witness the fall of the mask before my eyes. I survived the terror of being left with nothing else but my breath and bones, literally. After my family disowned me, and the only family I depended on, favoured the common reality, and gave me a cold shoulder, all about me went down
the drain.

My success memories became a catalyst to keep me going when common reality stripped me naked in the public eye. My materialistic achievements sank in quicksand, and dignity laid at the doorway for everyone to scrape the mud under their feet.

Yes, common reality outnumbers the absolute one, but only the divine revelation of the absolute reality will set you free. Speaking about what I saw behind the mask invited enemies into my life and left me isolated, but that did not change the absolute reality.

Isolation was my ultimate price to pay.


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