The emotional being is full of wounds, infected with extremely potent poison which can in turn be communicable to others we come in contact with. These wounds run deeper than anything we can ever imagine.
Declaring love to a love interest or accepting the declaration can be very frightening, as we always wonder if we would always be safe in the company of these people. We then put up barriers of protection to keep others at bay. However, those barricades also keep us inside our shells and in perpetual misery, thereby restricting our freedom to experience God’s magnitude in the form of love.
Love supersedes all other emotions we may feel and if its intensity is not experienced, we are inclined to feel vulnerable. This is why we rarely open up to our mates about our past or any scars we bear, which might have a bearing on our relationships and quality thereof.
This emotion requires total surrender and this book is about the importance of that surrender. It guides us through many relationship intricacies, while encouraging us to re-visit our childhood imprints that left gaping wounds which never received appropriate dressings. The idea is to allow ourselves to be free to love and to receive love freely.
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