During a college tour in the city, a freak accident in a campus library leads to a chance encounter between Dilia and a handsome stranger.
High on painkillers and with no way of reaching him, Dilia’s chances of reconnecting with the man are dashed… until two years later, when fate takes her back to the place where they first met.
From a quiet little town in the Northwest Province, Dilia is thrust into the colour and noise of suburban Johannesburg, where she learns to cope with the demands of independent life.
A self-professed introvert, she realizes she must open herself up to the adventure of new people and experiences in order to survive the challenges of nursing school.
But then, inadvertently, Dilia finds her sheltered existence rocked by her own intense curiosity and twisted desires…
Desires which lead her to the mysterious secrets of – Him…
Fadzai –
A combination of a thriller, adventure, romance, and a seductive anthology all the inner workings of a young woman, this brilliantly written narrative novel takes the reader on a journey with Dilia, moving out of one world, a world she had always been familiar with, and completely immersing herself into a whole new existence, and the discovery of a mysterious stranger who gently nudges her world off its axis…