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There is God


Availability: 5 in stock

SKU: 978-1-928497-93-6 Categories: , , Tags: ,

Young people today are confronted with enormous pressure from their surroundings. Drug and alcohol abuse, homosexuality, the spirit of ‘ubusangoma’, crime and violence. Therefore, how can we as Christians have a positive influence on those around us?
We can influence them by the love of God and by telling them about the good news of salvation. We can tell them about their Creator who knows them better than anyone and loves them unconditionally. We must not let the world squeeze us into its mould, but rather we must stand for the truth which is found in the Word of God, the Bible. It’s our! It’s our season, and it happened that our time has collided with God’s time. We were born for such a time as this; a time of the greatest revival ever!


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